Players Advancing to Final Tier 1 Tryout, News, U15 Tier 1, 2024 (Sarnia Lacrosse)

This Team is part of the 2024 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 18, 2024 | Dana Stephenson | 1393 views
Players Advancing to Final Tier 1 Tryout
The following players are advancing to the final Tier 1 u15 Tryout at Point Edward Arena on Monday April 22 @8:00.
If your name isn't listed below thank you for trying out and please report to Tier 2 Tryout with Coach Tom on Wednesday April 24th at CLEARWATER ARENA at 8:00.

First off,
 I would like to begin by telling the boys and parents how hard these kids worked at the last two tryouts.  The players are making the coaches job of selecting the team incredibly challenging, but in the best possible way. The level of skill and commitment displayed by each athlete has truly impressed us, and it's shaping up to be one of the toughest decisions we've ever had to make. However, it's a challenge we welcome with open arms, knowing that we are fortunate to have such a wealth of talent within our minor program.
As we move forward, it's becoming increasingly clear that we will not only have one outstanding team but two. The prospect of having two incredibly strong teams is incredibly exciting and speaks volumes about the bright future of our junior program.
We need to send some players to Tier 2 tryouts at this time.

The following players will be advancing to the Tier 1 final tryout Monday @ 8:00pm at Point Edward Arena.

Brouwer, Lukas
Toenders, Levi
Daye, Brayden
Dunn, Stefanos
Fox, Colton
Gavigan, Lynkoln
Grondin, Noal
Hanlon, Jake
Headrick, Ian
Holbrough, Dekker
Kennedy, Colton
Kennedy, Cooper
Knowles, Benjamin
Mackellar, Connor
Richard, Chase
Scott, Tayze
Smith, Gavin
Snider, Mason
Stephenson, Emmett
Teft, Price
Tope, Kai
Watson, Andrew

If your name isn't mentioned above please report to Tier 2 tryouts on Wednesday April 24 at 8:00 at CLEARWATER Arena.
Thank you all for loving the game and showing me your skills, be proud of your efforts! Coach Brad
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