Feb 25, 2018 | Andy Cadieux | 1218 views
Parents and Players of Bantam Age Players
Hey Everyone,
Just wanted to drop a quick note on our web page that tournament dates have been added to our calendar and more info will be posted soon.
Currently we are entered to play in the Sarnia Herb Lea May 25-27, defend last years tournament win in Milton June 8-10 and compete in the Ontario Lacrosse Festival August 3-5 in Whitby. We will also have the option to attend a 3rd tournament once the team is formed.
If you have registered please do not hesitate to reach out to me with with questions or concerns.
If you have not yet registered, have questions about registering, or would like to talk about the coming season please reach out to me with any questions you may have. I am easily reached on my cell at 519-384-0587.
Please check this web page often as I am looking to get a couple of events scheduled prior to tryouts to get sticks in the hands of returning players, players new to the sport and players that are interested in playing bantam lacrosse for the first time. Again, I am happy to take any phone call.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at tryouts,
Coach Cadieux