Team Information, News, Novice 1 - Bandit Express, 2017 (Sarnia Lacrosse)

This Team is part of the 2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 24, 2017 | Tricia Ross | 865 views
Team Information
Hello Everyone...

Please bare with me as I get everything organized for our team for this 2017 lacrosse season.

I am in the process of setting up team snap. I sent out invitations to the email addresses that were put on my list at the parent meeting on Thursday. If you did not receive an email invitation to join team snap please let me know ASAP.
You are able to go into your players file and add additional information...more emails, phone numbers, etc.
Please update your file with all the information you would like to share with the team. I did not input anyone's phone numbers.

I would like to thank Ryan Barnes for coming forward to get our gatorade parent for the season. He is away this I will collect $10 from each family on Tuesday or Thursday and we will get this up & going for next week. We will be selling these gatorade for $2.00 in the dressing room after games & practices to raise money for our team.

A reminder that I need to collect all Assessment Money ($405/player) Tuesday (April 25th) as the team needs to pay in full by the end of the week. I will collect cash or cheques (Cheques to: Sarnia Minor Lacrosse Association).

I would like to thank anyone that signed up to do the Game Sheets, Score Clock or Shot Clock at the parent meeting...but I still have several holes in the schedule where no-one signed up so I would like to get this filled and completed so that I am not trying to find people the day/night of the game. Once I have all the spots filled I will attach the names to the schedule on Team Snap.

What I am still looking for is listed below:

Thursday May 11th - Game Sheet
Saturday May 13th (12p) - Score Clock & Shot Clock 
Saturday May 13th (3p) - Score Clock & Shot Clock
Tuesday May 30th - Game Sheet
Tuesday July 11th - Game Sheet
Wednesday July 19th - Game Sheet, Score Clock & Shot Clock

Please let me know ASAP when you can help out.

Please stayed tuned as I get more information loaded on Team Snap & send out emails with information.
