A Message from your President, News (Sarnia Lacrosse)

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Apr 08, 2023 | Steph Dunlop | 773 views
A Message from your President
Good evening Pacer Families!
It is with great excitement that I sit down to write this letter! We are only a few sleeps away from tryouts for the various rep/travel teams that make up our amazing Association. Your Executive and Bench Staff have been hard at work behind the scenes getting everything ready for a GREAT season of Lacrosse. As you can see on our calendar, tryouts begin this coming Tuesday at both Point Edward and Clearwater Arena. We were originally given Clearwater RED; however, there are issues with putting ice on the blue side and therefore, we will be playing Lacrosse again this season on Clearwater BLUE!! 

Please note, I have arranged the tryout calendar as per coaches requests, keeping hockey practices/tournaments/tryouts in mind. This was not an easy feat, and we understand that conflicts are going to arise. We will deal with those conflicts on a case by case basis, rest assured. It is imperative that players report to the FIRST tryout for their age group. All information regarding successful players and released players will be found on our website by clicking on the appropriate team name. (i.e. if your child is born in 2011 that makes that a U13 player so you will click on the U13 #1 link to find information about tryouts 2, 3, and 4.) The entire schedule for the Association will be uploaded over the next few days. Please be patient as we cross t's and dot i's and get these schedules uploaded. If you have any questions regarding tryouts, please reach out to the Coach that will be running the first tryout this week. U9 - Jesse Thompson, U11 - Jeff Cox, U13 - Tom Quinn, U15 - Brad Holbrough and U17 - Lucas Knowles.  Coaches have sent emails regarding arrival time for tryouts. Jerseys will be assigned when you arrive at your respective arena at your assigned time. When you arrive, please find the sign in table and speak to the Team Manager who will get you signed in and ready to go. All payments MUST be made before your player can hit the floor for their tryout unless previous arrangements have been made with our Registrar; Dana Stephenson.

FUNDAMENTALS groups will begin the LAST WEEK OF APRIL at the Point Edward Arena. More information will follow this coming week. We have also added a 3rd FUNdamentals and skills night for those U9-U11 players who are released from our Rep/Travel teams. This information will be made available AFTER releases happen during week 2 of tryouts.

There are a lot of moving parts and pieces happening behind the scenes to get the season up and running! Please be patient with our Executive members as we navigate the next couple of weeks while working fulltime and assuring our own players also get to tryouts. Refunds will NOT be issued until the conclusion of tryouts. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected]

Wishing those of you who celebrate a Happy Easter! See you next week! Heat up Pacers!!


Steph Dunlop
President SMLA
Chelsea Cooper
We are a boutique law office located in downtown Sarnia, Ontario, that specializes in Real Estate, Wills & Estates, and Business Law