Hello everyone,
Hope everyone had a good Christmas break and Happy New Year!! Saying that, yes you read that title right about Provincials for the 2019 season. This season the Simcoe Village Residence will not be accepting team bookings unless paid in full. Due to the immense expense booking a room for every player in the association, the association can not afford to do this. Therefore, if you are planning on playing lacrosse in 2019 you should really think about booking a room. If you wait for the start of lacrosse you risk the chance of not getting a room. Some teams have secured hotel bookings already, but we wanted to pass the Simcoe Village residence information onto everyone.
Below is your age group booking code for the residence, and what days their tournament will be on:
As a reminder all SMLA members are welcome to attend our monthly meetings on the 1st Monday of every month (that are on the calendar) if they want to stay current with lacrosse information.